Cleaning tool set

Convenience store clerk S - Senior 5

5S (organize, set in order, clean, standardize, and discipline)

Cluttered documents

Illustration of occupational accidents (falls)

Illustration of occupational injury / dangerous work

5S display

An illustration of a fall accident

Illustration of occupational injury / dangerous work

Illustration of falling objects

Illustration of occupational accidents and work accidents

Documents dancing apart

A man who seems to fall on an iron pipe

5S improvement activities Tidying up, cleanliness, cleaning, discipline

Cat to clean



5S improvement activity acronym cycle

5S (Japanese · English · Spanish)

5S Organize Cleanliness Cleanliness Discipline

Illustration working with clean clothes

Paint illustration

Cat to organize


Cat to tidy up


Cat to discipline

Clean cat

間取り図No55 2階建 5LDK+3S


Floor plan No19 2 stories 5LDK S

ملاحظات بنك سنغافورة


A bucket for cleaning and a dust cloth

Background 5S

間取り図No57 2階建 5LDK+2S

manufacturing employees

間取り図No7 2階建 5LDK+S

Female workers during cleaning activities October 2018

Nyakko-san cleaning

Dustpan icon

Broom icon 2

Broom icon

Broom & dustpan icon 2

Broom and dustpan icon

Cleaning icon 1


5S activities Tidying up, cleanliness, housekeeping, discipline

5S improvement activities

5S concept diagram

Workers performing 5S activities

5S activities - sorting, tidiness, cleanliness, housekeeping, discipline

5S improvement activities Vietnamese

Luggage stacking limit (good example)

Prohibition of stacking luggage (bad example)

Cat cleaning

hand lift illustration

Friendly cleaning

S-shaped hook 5 (color)
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